This is a typical Dutch game, there are 36 boards spread around Johannihsolm. Depending on the turnout there will be teams or not. By throwing a dice you know which board you have to go to. On the board is written whether it is a question or a challenge. The team or individual which is the first at number 36 and has the question or challange completed is the winner.
This is played in the forest on site. There are 2 teams who are competing against each other. The aim of the game is to catch the flag from the enemy. Playing cards have made it harder, and participants can make a strategic plan.
During this activity every participant has a name card on thier head. On the card is a name that they have to guess by asking questions. The questions can only be answered by yes or no.
The word Kubb comes from the Gorlandse dialect and means wooden block. In this typical Swedisg game you play in a team with the goal to throw the king. Before the king can be thrown over you must hit the kubbs. The team wins if all the kubbs and at last the king has fallen.
Each player gets a bottle filled with water. If there is a winner early in the game we paly again and anyone can join. It is better to wear shoes when playing the game.
Along the ares of the village is an exciting troll path. You will learn about tyhe strange creatures and even a few commands you must use to be allowed to continue. Do not venture out in the dark, because before you know it you could be face to face with a Johannihsolm troll!